Personal Constitution

Since it’s inception, Alternative High School has had a robust, ever-changing environment due to the sheer nature of it’s intended audience. Every few generations holistically revive the school with new opportunities and problems as a community and as a place of academic learning. We can see now, budding into the twenty-first century, how the pace of society—on a technological and sociological level—matches the rapid pace of change of Alternative’ student body.

The New Apprenticeship System


More recently has it been seen that a growing rate has been seen that it becomes more and more important for a malleable system to come into play for the student body. With the new administration of this year, a lot of flexibility and uncertainty for the future of Alternative and it’s policies are something that should be something carefully inspected to ensure less chaos and ambiguity for the next generations of the school.

Regarding the Old Apprenticeship System


The old Apprenticeship could be surmised as a checklist of things needed to be done by the student as a criterion.

This list includes the following:

  • Nine weeks of attendance Alternative High School.

  • High attendance rate. (80%)

  • Relatively high marks in all classes.

  • Attendance to all of the following:
    • Circle of Courage Session
    • Democracy Session
    • Smudging Session
  • A self-assessment with a rubric regarding where the student felt they were currently regarding the four spirits of the Circle or Courage.

After the above criteria was achieved, students would then demonstrate to the Staff their understanding of the school’s beliefs and values (Circle of Courage, Drugs & Alcohol Agreement, Respect for Space, etc.) This was usually done by the way of writing an essay.

After a meeting, a unanimous vote from the entirety of the current staff was required for the student to finally receive their Apprenticeship certificate, signed by all Staff.


Although the purpose of the Apprenticeship has lost it’s way in the previous years, it has held a high amount of significance throughout the history of Alternative.

Originally, the Apprenticeship was entitled as Probationary Period. This period of time is where students’ behavior and actions while initially assessed while attending Alternative High, to see if they made a practical, good fit. Wherein if the student were to misbehave or otherwise cause a disruption in environment for others, they would placed into another high school. Of course, due to modernized CBE regulations as well as changes in Alternative’s Philosophy, we no longer act in such accordance.

The Difference

Unlike old Apprenticeship, the new system of having a Personal Constitution means that instead of working on multiple, unordered things connected to the school’s belief system, the student will write a single document.

This document will regard—among other things—how they feel about Alternative, themselves, their priorities and how they think they’ll find success and happiness from their experience.

Unlike the expressed letter written for Staff, however, this document is living and breathing. It will be constantly looked at by the student to allow themselves to be reminded of what is important to them. In addition, it can be tweaked and modified as the student’s life and values change, as they usually do throughout High school.

The document can be written over as long of a course as it takes for the student to flesh out what they believe is ‘good enough’. It will be worked on with the student and their mentor one-on-one. The student can verbally explain their ideas if they have difficulty writing them, which would be reasonable for something of such importance.

The Outline

The Personal Constitution model will be divided into three sections, as follows.

I. Self

The student first focuses on the spirits of Independence and Mastery, respectively.


The first step of Independence—and achieving Apprenticeship in general—is proactivity, which can be defined as the simple act of wanting and starting their Personal Constitution and aspiring to attain their Apprenticeship.

The second step in Independence is to begin actually writing the Personal Constitution, starting with their values in all four spirits, regarding the school and life in general.


After they have completed the first spirit, the student will move onto Mastery. The first step in Mastery and the second section of the Personal Constitution is the student figuring out what they are passionate about, both in their personal life and school life.

The second step for the student is to figure out what role they have in their lives—both inside the school and out—and what goals they can figure out and try to achieve regarding those roles.

II. Others

The student then focuses on the spirits of Belonging and Generosity, respectively.


The first step in Belonging is having the student realize their environment. Specifically, what environment they work best in, and what environment they work worst in. When the student feels as though they cannot work, for whatever reason, this part of the Personal Constitution is a good go-to place to see what external factors are working against them.

The second step in Belonging is communication. The student’s task is to figure out the best possible communication system if something goes awry in their life. Whether this be consoling friends, family or their Mentor.


The first step in the final spirit is contribution. Have the student write out a few things they want to add and commit too, whether it be towards friends, volunteering or the school in general. Devotion is key.

The second step is improvement, although similar to contribution, there are key differences. The student must look at the current aspects of the school and figure out how they can make it better, or even change it entirely.

III. Rise Above

The student finally focuses on the Circle of Courage in it’s entirety. This is the most important part of the Personal Constitution. Courage: Renewal

An important part of teenage-hood is balance. Too many students are caught up in stress and lose what’s important to them. So as a state of fulfilment and renewal, they must find what can help revive them from the ashes of burnout in each of the four dimensions: physical, spiritual, mental, and social/emotional.

They must answer what the single most important things in each of these areas will have the greatest positive impact on their life and help them achieve a sense of balance. Courage: Endgame The absolute final part of the Personal Constitution requires visualization from the student:

“Imagine your Graduation day. What kind of person do you want to be by then? What path do you want to be on by then? What tribute statement would you like to made about your High School Career?”

This deep understanding of their ending requires them to look at credits and grades, however this is secondary to their character and contributions to the school throughout their time at Alternative High School. It’s also of importance for the student to know where they see themselves going after graduation.

Final Thoughts

I want to make add the following for further clarification:

Unlike the old Apprenticeship model, this must be done in order for the student to comprehend each stage with full understanding.

It is difficult to make a template or prototype of this system due to it’s sheer malleability; each student’s Personal Constitution will look radically different from the next. It’s meant to be intimately personalized.

That said, there’s nothing that should prevent students from sharing what they wrote. The collaboration of ideas only strengthens them.

Again, on the flip side of that, each student has the right to keep every part of their Personal Constitution private and only known between them and their Mentor.

The above structure is only a rough idea and I encourage it to be modified each year to better fit the needs and wants of Alternative’s current population.

We could use the previously discussed pin system to designate how much progress a student has made in creating their Personal Constitution.


This is an extremely new idea, both conceptually and in regards to the current traditions of Alternative High School. It is by no means polished, finished or perfect. It is currently a day one draft.

This is, though, an idea created by students for students. This is about equality—being able to be to care about your education and your future without anybody telling you too.

To be passionate, and love going to school and learning. To be open-minded and open-mouthed. To kindle friendships, to fall in love with a community and stand up for it.

To become enthralled in Democracy, to understand that your voice is of dire importance, that your opinion deserves to be heard.