Personal Constitution

Since it’s inception, Alternative High School has had a robust, ever-changing environment due to the sheer nature of it’s intended audience. Every few generations holistically revive the school with new opportunities and problems as a community and as a place of academic learning. We can see now, budding into the twenty-first century, how the pace of society—on a technological and sociological level—matches the rapid pace of change of Alternative’ student body.

Genre: non-fiction.

Should we quantify happiness?

In mathematics and science, quantification is the act of counting and measuring that maps human sense observations and experiences into some kind of set of numbers. Quantification, in this sense, is fundamental to the scientific method.

Genre: non-fiction.

Edification for Educaton

Humans, by their nature, have always been paradoxical creatures. Only by enduring our tragedies are we able to find happiness. Only by our failures, trial-and-error, are we able to succeed. This irony shows how technology and information of the 21st Century has cultivated to cause an amassed ignorance. This quirk of our mutual humanity should cause no dismay when we come to this realization throughout the most recent generation. And with such abrupt change, we cannot expect to see the same educational system and institution working under the same guise of twenty years ago, let alone sixty. It is important to be teaching our children about our present; we must be empowering youth, not belittling them for the fact they were born into such a new world. It is important to be teaching our children about our past, lest we fall into a world with the caveats described by Aldous Huxley in Brave New World. It is important to be teaching our children about our future, or rather their future. Without social responsibility, we will too soon forget these exact issues that we need to now fight for.

Genre: non-fiction.

The Library and the Stars

It was the oldest building in town. The amount of people usually would contradict the lack of noise. It was silent as a mausoleum, yet not as morbid. There were novels, comics and dictionaries filling rows of elderly wooden shelves. Today seemed to be especially marked by a dreaded presence, however. The townspeople would rarely leave their homes. Not because of the uncommon rain of summer on that day. But because there had always been a feeling of unmoved tension that lurked in the North.

Genre: fiction.


The sunrise had just stretched out to the fine tip of the horizon, the pink of the sky complementing the reds of the apples that were across the Lilith’s cottage. She was looking out the skies and pondered. Meanwhile, inside, a fainting ringing was heard by her aged ears, disrupting her visions of insomnia. She picked up the phone, only to be informed her granddaughter’s body had just been found.

Genre: fiction.

Dawn of Ursa Minor

The detritus of the forest had already begun to cool down in Nelson. Autumn had bled throughout the coast, leaving a film of frost on the leaves of fallen trees. Branches the shade of Texas oil crude littered the trails; other clutter was left flailing aimlessly in the wind. The sky stung with darkness, still not having fully cleared.

Genre: fiction.